demolition of pilot house

Mission Demolition: Pilot House

Wednesday October 21, 2015

Matt taking apart pilot house

The good thing about getting back from vacation at  10 am on Monday was that we still hadn’t gotten out of vacation mode yet and were not quite ready to jump back into work.  As soon as Matt’s family had pulled away in their car we were passed out in our bed and recovering from all the activity of the past week.  If we thought working on a boat was taxing, we forgot what sitting in the sun all day and drinking beer all night can do for one’s energy.

The bad thing about getting back was that we still had no access to a working vehicle.  We’d deducted that a new radiator needed to be put in the Kia, and once more we were stuck waiting until it arrived in the mail.  Not so bad when we were waiting for the alternator to come because we’d just picked up a fresh supply of groceries and still had all of our majorly used tools inside the van parked next to us.  This time we had done a full clean out of the van before we were going on vacation so that we were not only not leaving precious and expensive tools inside a van that might look tempting to someone walking by it on the street overnight, but also because we didn’t want Matt’s family to know exactly how much chaos we were living in.  I’m not sure that part worked.

Long story short, just about everything was in our storage unit up the road.  Yes we still had our minor tools such as screw drivers and drills.  Yes, we could have walked up the road to retrieve what we needed.  But that table saw was not light and those sheets of Eurolight were not easy to carry for more than a few steps at a time.  For the next few days we were left with only the things we had right in front of us.

That’s when a project that we had been somewhat dreading and putting off for some time came front and center as one of our only options of what we had the ability to work on.  Rip apart the pilot house so that we could install the foam insulation to the frame.  Truth be told this project needed to be done soon anyway.  The shelf life of the spray once it’s been opened is about 30 days and we had just sprayed the galley three weeks before.  Not wanting to take the chance we’d loose $300 worth of foam because it might go bad on us before we could use it, we decided it was time.  The only part of the boat that wasn’t yet in shambles would now be reduced to a pile of rubble.

pilot house - Trisalu 37

pilot house - Trisalu 37

Matt reorganizing

Matt disassembling storage


Although I had been pushing for this project for quite some time now, because although Matt doesn’t always agree with me on this, I do believe in saving money.  (Or at least not wasting it.  Beer is not a waste of money!) Anyway, I had been dreading it at the same time because it meant we were losing any bit of use-able storage space we had left on the boat.  We have been able to move our clothes to their new cabinets, but everything else sits up in the pilot house.  All of our toiletries, parts we’ve purchased but haven’t been able to install yet. Books, tool bags, food from the Canary Islands we still haven’t eaten yet.

Ok, maybe I’m getting a little over dramatic here, but I was sad to not only lose the last area that some resemblance of a finished boat, but I was also losing any bit of organization or sanity I had left. Which is a little laughable since I’m the one who can normally live in complete chaos and not bat an eye, but for some reason this got to me.  Yet I could only stand by and watch as it was torn down piece by piece.  Sometimes you have to move back to move forward.

Stay tuned for when we tear apart the starboard side and add the insulation.

demolition of pilot house

demolition of pilot house

bare hull of pilot houses

Matt in storage area

torn apart galley

Mission Demolition – Galley

Saturday August 1, 2015

Matt ripping apart galley

Today we ripped apart the entire galley.  Which must mean that we’re close to beginning work on it, and that makes me very excited.  After having ‘planned’ for the v-berth and salon area only to take 4-5 weeks to complete, and here we are moving on to week 8, I need to see a noticeable sign that we actually are moving in the right direction.

The only issue I had with this is we’d just gone through the boat to make it presentable to guests since our welder will be starting any time now, and this means that all the pots and pans and tupperware containers that had been sitting all willy nilly throughout the pilot house were actually placed in cupboards and out of the way.  Don’t ask me why this took so long, I think I had issue with putting things away into these filthy spaces until I realized that we won’t be using any of them for quite some time anyway.  So my mixing bowls might get some dirt and grime on them.  That’s ok, it’s not like I’ll be pulling them out tomorrow to make a culinary delight!  Which means I had to once more find a place to put all of these things and they eventually ended up in the storage area in the pilot house that runs under the cockpit.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Once everything in the galley had been cleared out though it was time for demolition.  Not quite as fun as easy as the forward salon though since this area was a little more complex.  In fact, instead of handing me a screwdriver and letting me loose on taking things apart like had happened before, I was set to stand back and watch Matt as he began taking a crowbar to the cabinets and shelves, ripping them out with abandon.  Since none of these items of wood are going to be reused for templates, furring strips, or anything else we can think of, there was no reason to keep them all in once piece.  As soon as a piece was torn out it was handed to me where I then placed it in the cockpit for later disposal.

This first part went fairly quickly and easily although I was soon called into action to help with the removal of the fridge.  Once the counter top was pried off we still needed to get this chunk of metal out from the multiple layers of foam in which it was encased. The outermost layer was only sheet insulation, and with a few good stabs from a chisel was pretty easy to get out.  The real trouble came when we needed to remove all the sprayed in foam that was sitting between the back of the fridge and the hull.  Hardened over many years, this stuff did not want to come out.

Each taking a side, we attacked it with whatever tools we had at our disposal. Chisels, pry bars, and even a bread knife.  Which surprisingly did the best job of all. Slowly we made progress as the extra foam fell away and we were doing well until it came time to find the wires for the fridge hidden in the bottom layers of the foam.  After a long game of hide and seek between the foam and the Dremmel we did finally locate them and found out they had melted themselves into the material since they were not in any kind of casing.  Of course they had.  Why should we begin expecting now that there was once one good spot of wiring on this boat?

The good news is A.) We’ll be replacing it all anyway, and B.) after this point the rest of the galley became extremely easy to remove again.  Working aft we took out the rest of the cabinets, the kitchen counter, and even the sink.  Everything was dumped in the cockpit until we could decide if there actually was anything we’d like to spare.  The sink?  Possibly.  Cabinet doors? We’ll take off and save the hinges.  The rest though could be trash.

A trash I was hoping to get rid of the next day since it was now raining, but someone felt it prudent to get out of the cockpit right away. So through a light stream of water we pieced out the items in the cockpit and tossed everything to become trash over the side of the boat and onto the ground. When everything was sorted it was tempting just to run back inside and leave the mess for later, but I figured that I was wet already so why not bring everything to the dumpster at the other end of the yard?

Back inside and toweled off we went through the work of cleaning up the remnants of our mess.  Garbage cans full of foam pieces and lots of vacuuming of the floor and the areas underneath where the frame of the boat collected bits of our destruction.  Soon enough the area was spic and span, or as much as it’s going to be at this point, and we were staring at the blank canvas of what our new galley will be.  I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of hard work and a total pain in the butt to build, but we’re both extremely excited for this next step in boat building.

Dealing with waste, especially after a major project or cleanup, can be daunting—whether it’s on a boat or at home. The temptation to leave the mess behind is always there, but tackling it head-on is ultimately more rewarding. Proper waste disposal ensures that the cleanup process is not only more manageable but also environmentally responsible. This is where services like Blue Bin Dumpsters become invaluable. Having access to a reliable dumpster rental service means that large volumes of waste—whether it’s construction debris, foam pieces, or just general clutter—can be swiftly collected and properly sorted. Instead of leaving waste to accumulate or risk improper disposal, a well-placed dumpster allows for quick, organized cleanup, making the entire process more efficient and less stressful.

Matt ripping apart galley

Matt ripping apart galley

ripping apart fridge

taking out fridge in galley

ripping apart galley

torn apart galley

torn apart galley

galley ripped out