Thursday September 18, 2014

I have an embarrassing admission to make. With all my love for photography, I pretty much know nothing about Pinterest. Sure I’ve heard the name thrown around a million and one times, but since it’s popularity mostly came up while we’ve been cruising and a lack of Internet at most points keeps me from doing anything besides updating the blog and trying to keep in touch with my friends, learning anything about it kind of fell by the wayside. That was until we were in Horta, and upon finding out that we’d be visiting the island of Sao Miguel, I started to do a little research on it. Research meaning that I typed the name into a Google search engine and immediately clicked on the Images link.
While scrolling through the gorgeous photos of Ponta Delgada, I stumbled upon (Stumble Upon….hmmmm, another media source I know nothing about) a link to someone’s Pinterest page of the Azores, and in there was a breathtaking photo of the sun setting over the marina in Ponta Delgada. Right where we’re sitting now. I vowed to myself that once we arrived, I too would capture anything as close as I could to this photo.
As I sat there, marveling at the beauty of Ponta Delgada, I knew I wanted to try capturing something similar—something that would evoke the same sense of wonder and tranquility. Photography has always been a way for me to connect with the world around me, and now I was eager to bring that passion into the heart of our travels. It wasn’t just about taking snapshots; it was about telling a story, showcasing the essence of a place through the lens. And so, I started to think about how I could approach this, seeking out ways to elevate my shots beyond just the ordinary. That’s when I stumbled upon something, you can open here, a guide dedicated to wildlife photography. It offered insights on how to interact with the natural world, capturing fleeting moments that others often miss. It made me realize that beyond landscapes and scenery, photography could be about telling the stories of the creatures that inhabit these spaces, weaving together a richer narrative.
This guide became my go-to resource, providing invaluable tips on capturing wildlife with respect and authenticity. It taught me to slow down, observe, and wait—qualities that are often overlooked in the hustle of travel. With its guidance, I learned how to blend into my surroundings, becoming more attuned to the subtle movements and behaviors of animals. Whether it’s a bird in flight or a group of deer grazing in the distance, the right moment can be fleeting, and this guide helped me fine-tune my technique to capture those split-second wonders. By following its advice, I could frame shots that truly felt alive, giving life to the images I captured. Now, with this newfound knowledge, I’m excited to see what wildlife moments I can encounter and immortalize through my lens.
It’s hard to believe that we’ve been here almost two weeks already, and I’m not lying when I say that just about every night I’ve looked out the window to see if I’d be able to capture my beautiful sunset, only to be met with gray skies and gloom. I had an opportunity one of our first nights here, but of course I thought I had all the time in the world for this and that idea went out the window when I discovered I could purchase a 3L box of wine for 3,50€. Sitting with a constantly full glass of wine and a good book was a much more entertaining way to spend the night at the time.
But ever since then I’ve been looking at my hypothetical watch and thinking to myself, as soon as these clouds clear up it probably means there’s a weather window to get out of here and we’ll be using it. I need to grasp at any kind of sunset I can get. And lo and behold, after days and days of cloud cover, it finally decided to peak out just long enough for me to run up to the large amphiteather area next to the marina and sit in awe for the next 30 minutes as I watched the sky go from blue to orange to pink and then finally black.
I’m not sure if what I got was as good as the original photo that brought me to this spot, but since I can’t seem to choose just one of my own anyway, I’ll leave you with a little time lapse of my sunset over Ponta Delgada.

*I’ve finally gotten into the swing of things and started my own Pinterest page! Make sure to follow along where I’ve been starting boards with images of our trip thus far.