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Throwback Thursday: Trindad Part III: How the West Was Done

Now that we’re sitting in Indiantown Marina and it’s obvious that we’re going to be here for quite a long time while we fix up Daze Off to sail, I don’t want to bore you with stories that are only related to boat work (but don’t worry, they’re still coming).   I know that’s what some of you crave, but if you’re like me, you also need a little fun in there.  A little travel and a little adventure.

So for the foreseeable future while we are doing nothing much more than boat work I will be adding a Throwback Thursday post in every week as well.  Cataloging our trip so far, giving you that needed sense of travel and adventure, and for those of you that haven’t started with us from the beginning, catch you up on some of the most important or memorable parts of our travels.

This week finds us in Cuba, one of our favorite stops of the whole trip so far.  After spending 10 fun filled days in Jamaica we took the 3 day sail over with our friends on s/v Rode Trip and and met back up with s/v Skebenga.  The week we spent in Cuba was absolutely amazing and we were heartbroken when our money ran out and we had to leave after spending only a week there.

Putting ourselves up in a marina in the south side of the island in the city of Cienfuegos, there was never a dull moment in our days as we hunted down all Cuba had to offer us.  It was really hard for me to pick what post to use this week as my Throwback Thursday because I want to share each and every one.  The nerve wrecking time we had checking in to the country, wondering if being American would raise any issues for us?  Or maybe the day we spent touring Cienfuegos, hunting down their $0.50 pizzas and $0.20 ice creams.  Should I choose the nice dinner we had out with Brian and Stephanie where we tried and fell in love with ropa vieja and learned of a new drink called canchanchara?

Then was our whole trip to Trinidad on a set of motor bikes.  An escapade where we traveled 50 miles, were separated from Brian and Stephanie within 5 minutes, but managed to end up at the same bed & breakfast once we arrived even though we had absolutely no plans of where we were going to stay. A place where we discovered we could get ice cold beers for the price of $0.20, or visit a night club built inside a cave.

In the end I think I will take a segment from our trip to Trinidad.  One of those days where you don’t expect much at the beginning but it turns out to be one of the best days you’ve ever had.  On this particular day we had almost literally been wrangled into taking a horseback tour of Trinidad by one of 30 guys standing on a street corner trying to peddle a package to us tourist.  “We’ll take you all through the countryside on horseback, it will be beautiful and unforgettable”, they all call from their street corners. The kind of thing you hear from everyone trying to sell whatever they can to make a living.

Despite our initial hesitation, the horseback tour through Trinidad turned out to be a highlight of our trip, showcasing the stunning landscapes and rich culture of the countryside. As we trotted along the winding paths, guided by experienced local riders, we began to appreciate the allure of horseback riding as a unique way to explore new places. This experience highlights the importance of effective horse marketing in promoting such tours. By showcasing the thrill of riding through picturesque terrains and emphasizing the unforgettable memories that can be created, businesses can capture the attention of travelers seeking authentic adventures.

The intersection of horseback riding and effective marketing strategies can lead to a thriving business opportunity. As potential customers browse options for their next getaway, engaging content that tells the story of these experiences can make all the difference. Professionals like https://www.linkedin.com/in/alec-lawler-7a11ab262, who specialize in horse marketing, understand the nuances of appealing to this audience and can provide valuable insights into crafting campaigns that resonate. By leveraging social media, engaging visuals, and partnerships with influencers, horseback tour operators can elevate their visibility and attract more tourists eager to embark on memorable equestrian adventures. In this way, horse marketing not only promotes the beauty of riding but also cultivates a thriving community around the experience.

But because Brian and Stephanie had stopped to chat to one certain gentleman the day before on their quest for fuel and thought it would be polite to entertain him for at least five minutes while he gave his spiel, we were talked into a full afternoon on horseback for the low price of $12 a person.  Complete with entrance to a private park and a stop at a local farm.  We all figured, “Why not?  It could be fun”.  And in saying yes we opened ourselves to an endless day of beauty and the authenticity of Cuba.

You can find the original post here.

Thursday May 16, 2013

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(Photo courtesy of Rode Trip)

In the morning we set our alarms bright and early so we could enjoy the complementary breakfast at the casa particular before heading out to spend the morning on horseback. Getting a very quick shower under cold running water in, I ran down the steps to the restaurant to find a nice little spread waiting for us. Breakfast that morning was a mix of guava, papaya, pineapple, meat and cheese, and fresh espresso plus a very thick mango juice. I know a certain set of friends that told us the meals here in Cuba were the worst part of visiting (ahem, Tamarisk!), but this was really one of the best breakfasts I’ve ever had. Probably one of the most fresh, and definitely better for me than my usual bowl of Lucky Charms. We were going through it so fast that I even had to bring the coffee pot back to the kitchen and ask for ‘Mas cafe, por favor’.

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Good morning sunshine!

(Photo courtesy of Rode Trip)

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Our room at the casa particular.

True to his word, Daniel met us on the corner of our casa particular, sharp at 9 a.m. What he also had with him, and what we weren’t expecting, was for the horses to be joining him there as well. I guess we all assumed that we’d be caravaned to a ranch at the foot of the mountains where our caballos would be waiting for us, but nope, they were here at our door. Putting on our helmets and learning the Spanish names of our horses, no Buttercups here, so of course the names were promptly forgotten, we saddled up and were ready to go.

Clomping down the cobblestone streets of Trinidad, I almost felt cool as we headed out toward the mountains, passing the locals on the street and thinking ‘That’s right. I’m pretty bad ass on my horse here while you’re down there using your two feet to get around.’ It was pretty damn awesome. Then the town gave way to a steep winding hill in which we tried to keep our horses from sliding down the sometimes slick cement, and definitely off to the side of the road from the trucks that came whizzing by us at lightning speeds. Soon though, we were on and open road, lazily ambling toward the mountains ahead as we watched farmers and crop workers leaving their little huts on the side of the road to start their daily work.

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There were times we’d be moving forward at our lieserly pace when Daniel would crack a little whip, or whatever he had at his side, while yelling “Ya!…Ya!”, and the horses would pick up to a trot, making the ride a little bumpy and just a bit uncomfortable for most of us. Stephanie, an equestrian in her previous landlubber life, showed us how to stand up on the stirrups to give an inch or two between yourself and the saddle when the horse was riding like that. If it took a lot of bruising and possible future infertility away from me, I can only imagine the wonderful effects it had on the guys.

Along the way we met up with another couple using a different guide, but all of us headed toward the same destination. They were from Australia, and taking seven weeks to travel around the Caribbean. Their children were out of the house, they had vacation time to burn, and this is a part of the world they hadn’t been yet. They swapped stories with us on great places to visit in the Caribbean, and we told them where they could find a good 5 peso beer in town. Merging our groups together, we chatted between steps and trots, and even a few gallops until we made it to a plantation where it was time to take our first rest.

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Set under beautiful rolling hills, which there doesn’t seem to be a lack of here in Cuba, this ranch specialized in bananas, mangoes, and sugarcane. From the amount of animals roaming around though, I’m guessing there was a little bit of meat specialized as well. Once the horses were tied up, I took a quick moment to run walk around while playing my own version of ‘Old McDonald’ in my head. I think they contained a lot of the same things, as this farm came complete with pigs, a 7 day old calf, hens, chicks, cats, but this one was run by a cute little old man named Juan. I’m pretty sure his last name wasn’t McDonald. This wasn’t a resting break though, and soon all of us were put to work, getting the sweet water out of sugarcane. After watching the demonstration by the farm workers, each of us took a turn behind the crank, running a piece of sugarcane through once, and then bending it in half a sticking it through a second time just to make sure we got out every drop. This was much easier for most other people than it was for me.

Once all six of us had our go at it, the water was mixed with lemons and rum, making a sweet little treat for us to enjoy as we enjoyed some time in the shade. Juan played a few tunes for us on his guitar, serenated Stephanie a little, and then her and Brian danced along for a bit, turning and twirling to the beat of the music. We sat down down enjoy some more tunes and tried to decipher the Spanish words being played out. Brian, who has been building his vocabulary with Rosetta Stone, was able to pick up on the chorus that was being sung of “Mi casa es su casa, mi mujere es su mujere”. Which, if translated right, means, ‘My home is your home, my woman is your woman’. These Cubans, they really are a friendly and sharing bunch.

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I may have had to put all my weight into it.
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Juan, trying to sweep Stephanie off her feet.

Back on to our horses, before we could find out what else Juan wanted to share with us, we were on our way to the waterfall. This was the two hour rest stop we had been told about the previous day, and the $6 fee that was being payed by our leader and we had to keep our mouths shut about. Changing from open air and fields, we transitioned into a tree covered forest where the horses were tied to posts, we were pointed in the direction of the falls, and told to be back in two hours.

When we came out to the falls and I saw there was a nice pool underneath for swimming, just like back in Jamaica, I cursed Matt for making me remove my swimsuit from the small backpack we both shoved all our things into for the trip. “When would you possibly need your swimsuit there?”, he asked. I don’t know why he can’t get this through his head. I am always.right. Since none of us did in fact have our suits on us we decided that underwear would suffice, or a tank top and underwear in my case. Stripping off our clothes we placed them down on the surrounding rocks and got ready to jump in.

The guys, taking cues from one of the locals that ran a drink stand just next to the fall, were quick to scramble up the rocks to make a jump in from dizzying heights. Watching them plop in one by one, I was pretty sure that the slick climb alone would kill me and I was much better off only jumping the three feet from next to the pool. The water was cool and fresh, and we divided our time between swimming beneath the trickle of a fall, and sunning ourselves on the rocks. When our time was up we hiked the trail back to our waiting horses and guide to begin the trip back home. Not however, without a stop at the ranch once more for lunch.

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Thanks, but I’ll just watch from here!

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Not part of the packaged deal, but still pretty low at only $10, we were served one of the best meals I’ve ever had. Anywhere. So much for crappy food in Cuba. (Ahem, TAMARISK!!) First was a bowl of veggie soup and a key lime on the side for an extra kick of flavor, and wow, just that little touch makes a huge difference! Then I was served a heaping plate of fresh salad greens, rice, and perfectly cooked and flavored shrimp. Dessert was fresh banana and mango, products of the very plantation we were sitting at. It was one of those meals where I should have put my fork down long before I did, but I could not keep myself from heaping all the delicious food into my mouth.

One more tour around the grounds to say goodbye to all my little animal friends, play with a couple of kittens, and take what is possibly the cutest photo I will ever capture, it was time to leave once more. Ready to fall into a food coma, I was glad that the horses knew their way home by heart and I had to do little more than keep myself upright with my eyes open, which didn’t become very hard considering all the beauty surrounding us. Daniel also took it easy on us after our big meal and kept the horses at a walk, although after 20-30 minutes, Brian and I decided we were ready for some action and would command our horses into a gallop and race each other back and forth ahead of the group.

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Too soon it felt like the horses were exerting themselves in the daytime heat, bringing us up the hill that led back into town and toward our casa particular. It was time to gather our belongings and start the trip back home. We may have only had the previous evening to explore the town that we spent a bit of time and effort getting to, but I think we were all very happy with how we ended up spending it. For an adventure that none of us initially wanted to take, our day on horseback out in the mountains and fields of Trinidad is now one of the highlights on our trip, not just in Cuba, but since leaving Michigan.

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(Photo courtesy of Rode Trip)

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